Can COVID-19 Spread Through Breathing and Talking?

It is well-known that the novel coronavirus, COVID-19, can be spread through contact with respiratory fluids that carry the infectious SARS-CoV-2 virus. A recent scientific report from the World Health Organization (WHO) states that aerosol transmission may be possible in certain circumstances and environments. This means that people infected with COVID-19 can spread the disease when they talk and breathe, not just when they let out a heavy cough. The presence of RNA indicates that the virus can spread through aerosols, as reported by Nancy Leung of the University of Hong Kong and her colleagues.

Masks have been found to reduce detection of coronavirus RNA in both respiratory droplets and aerosols, but only in respiratory droplets among influenza patients. This provides evidence that surgical masks could prevent human coronavirus transmission and influenza virus infections if worn by symptomatic people. To determine how speech and breathing contribute to the transmission of COVID-19, scientists must learn the amount of virus contained in the average aerosol and the amount of virus that must be inhaled to become infected. It is believed that transmission of COVID-19 by inhaling the virus in the air can occur over distances greater than six feet.

The micrometric particles carried by many viruses are very small particles (10 μm) that are released by sneezing, talking aloud and breathing with difficulty, drifting into the air that could cause infection. By understanding how coronavirus spreads, you can take appropriate steps to avoid getting sick and infecting others. To stop the spread of coronavirus, people who are sick should quarantine or stay away from those who are well. Additionally, it is important to be aware of the layout and design of a building, as well as the occupancy and type of heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) system, which can affect the possible spread of the virus through the air.

In conclusion, it is clear that COVID-19 can spread from asymptomatic but infected people through small aerosol droplets on exhaled breath. People infected with COVID-19 can spread the disease when they talk and breathe, not just when they let out a heavy cough. Transmission of COVID-19 by inhaling the virus in the air can occur over distances greater than six feet. To stop the spread of coronavirus, people who are sick should quarantine or stay away from those who are well.

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